How to Earn Part time
Many times I have said that there are many ways to make money, especially for an engineering students. What restraining people form doing it is not an external-it is all internal. We make excuses for themselves that we don’t have enough time or I don’t know from where to start.
Anyways, in this Article I’m eliminating some of those excuses. Below have my list of over top 10 easy and convenient ways to make money in your engineering life. Seriously, my brain-dumped each idea I could think of to earn money from this list.
Also Read: 10 Most Unique Technology Startups
01: Website Developer
For engineering students making a website can be one of the great working option, especially for those who are in a field of computer engineering because developing a website with landing pages is not difficult if you know at least the basic of coding. So as an engineering student I recommend you to do this job.
Apart from coding creating and running a website is quite easy job now. Use any platform like word-press etc. to showcase your engineering work or tech news blog or simply you can make a forum for Engineering students and fellows to discuss different ideas and projects.
02: Write Technical Reports
As an engineering student, you can take technical report writing projects by doing freelancing. A technical reports writing project is a document that describes the project principles, process, or result of scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. There are different technical writer job posting available. There is an option to become a part time technical writer.
03: Angular Developer
Well this one is relating to only those who pursuing computer engineering because it includes, developing, designing and testing applications by using an Angular JavaScript and mostly requires an experience with Linux-based AWS, MongoDB, Python or Azure cloud infrastructure. Not limited to angular developer but use other languages as your skills like java , android and iOS development.
04: Start tuition/Online Engineering Subjects tutor
If you have grip or commands on your engineering subjects, so there have a several requirements around you or also in your society for the requirement of a university student in both level for a college level or for some university subject, so you can avail this opportunity by giving tuition to other and get charged tuition fee for this.
05: Involve in Marketing and Branding
As an engineering student, or studying in any engineering university you always have a group of people around you in university. Big companies are always in a looking for some people who can help them to market their brand in front of many people or group of people so you always have this opportunity, so by working as a marketing and branding executive on a freelance basis you can help them to achieve this.
06: Do A Work Study Job
You mostly have this opportunity like many students do job at their study place same like in colleges, schools or universities. It means as university student you can do job at your work place like you can work in library or in the athletic complex, means anywhere they have requirement for, you can start your job there with your studies.
07: Buying and Selling of Engineering Components
University campuses are full of turnover. In every semester there are engineering semester projects to be submitted. It is common in many countries that the electronic components are not easily available, some components. Start buying from online and selling to your fellow member areas.
08: Make other’s Project/Assist other students
Many of the students from your own university and from other university seeking for someone who can make their semester’s project or final year project, so if you have good know how regarding designing or making of projects so you can earn money by doing this.
09: Open Virtual Tech shop
Provide faculties related to your studies like buying books in every semester through your virtual online tech shop. Student can avail different facilities through your services. It could be a project kit, books, event news, guides etc.
10: Become An Event Organizer
As it is obvious that in every university theirs should be different events organized by students, so if you organize any event in your university that will be your best way to earn money because every university wants good organized event so they put lot of money for the event by this you will have much more profit by organizing the event.
In coming posts I will share more unique and amazing ideas. Stay connected and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more ideas and video tutorials.